Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Once Science said to Faith:

"My eye can see all that is in this world;
The Entire world is within my net.
I am only concerned with material things,
What have I to do with spiritual matters?
I can strike a thousand melodies,
And openly proclaim all the secrets that I learn."

Faith said:

"With your magic even the waves in the sea are set ablaze,
You can pollute the atmosphere with foul, poisonous gases.
When you associated with me, you were light,
When you broke off from me, your light became fire.
You were of Divine origin,
But you have been caught in the clutches of Shaytan.
Come, make this wasteland a garden once again.
Borrow from me a little of my ecstasy,
And in the world set up a paradise.
From the day of creation we have been associates,
We are the low and high tunes of the same melody."

By:Allahma Iqbal

Monday, October 28, 2013

9 Scientific Methods To Locate Qibla Direction

The General Egyptian Authority for Survey officially authenticated his methods.
How can we locate the Qibla direction in any place of the world? This question raised strong furor among Muslims worldwide, especially in the American City of Seattle where Muslims differed over the Qibla location.
This issue was of concern to the Muslim Society for Survey that organized a symposium on this topic and invited Brigadier Abdel-Aziz Sallam, who conducted detailed research on this subject. He managed to reach nine scientific methods to locate the Qibla direction by using trigonometry and trigonometric tables.
The General Egyptian Authority for Survey officially authenticated his methods.
We all know that Qibla is to direct oneself to the Kaba in Mecca. Muslims need to know the Qibla direction wherever they are in order to direct themselves towards it at the time of prayers. This step comes in obedience of God's saying:
"We see the turning of your face (for guidance) to the heavens: now shall We turn you to a Qibla that shall please you. Turn, then your face in the direction of the Sacred Mosque: wherever you are, turn your faces in that direction. The people of the Book know well that that is the truth from their Lord. Nor is God unmindful of what they do."
The book of "Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) According to the Four Schools," issued by the Mosque Department at the Egyptian Ministry of Wakfs (religious endowments), identified the Qibla. According to this book, the Qibla for those who are in Mecca or near it lies in the middle of the Kaba, or its parallel sphere from above or below.
So, a Muslim living in this area should direct himself to the middle of the Kaba or at least try hard to do so. Regarding those who are away from Mecca, the Qibla for them lies in the direction of the Kaba. They may move a little to the right or left of the Kaba. If they are slightly deviant from this direction, they are not to blame as they are still directed to the Kaba.
As regards the nine methods of locating the Qibla direction, the first is arithmetic. It applies the laws of spherical triangle solution and "half sinus." It proves, for instance, that the Qibla direction for an observer in Alexandria, Egypt is 135.5 degrees to the direction of true north clockwise, in Seattle, Washington 17.5 degrees to the direction of true north clockwise, and in Hong Kong 285.1 degrees to the direction of true north clockwise.
Trigonometry and its tables are applied under the second and third methods. These two methods proved the above-mentioned degrees of Qibla direction in Alexandria, Seattle and Hong Kong.
As for the fourth method, the star sphere is used. During sailing, a navigator needs a quick method to locate the Qibla accurately. This method locates the Kaba by adjusting its latitude to the inclination parallels on the star sphere and the Kaba longitude.
The fifth method uses the star disc. The direction of Kaba is located on the star disc with the same method used on the star sphere. The latitude of the Kaba is matched with the inclination parallels of the celestial body and longitude of the Kaba from the observer's site.
The sixth method uses Weris' cone. The longitude of the Kaba is matched with the base line of gradation on the celestial body inclination.
The seventh method considers the site of the Kaba a point of reference on some navigational devices. Some of these devices, like the one that locates sites via satellites, can store points of reference and indicate the direction and distance of these points at any moment.
Thus, the site of Kaba is stored in the device memory as a point of reference. If the direction of the Kaba is needed at any time, the point of reference can be recalled.
Regarding the eighth method, it benefits from the perpendicularity of the sun on the Kaba. When the sun is perpendicular to Mecca, its direction at this very moment is the direction of the Qibla. The sun is perpendicular to the Kaba twice a year when the sun inclination equals the Kaba latitude and during the sun time. The sun height will be 90 degrees at this very moment for observers in Mecca.
This phenomenon happens on May 28 at seventeen minutes and 52.8 seconds past 12 p.m. local time of Saudi Arabia and Egypt (summer time) and on July 16 at twenty-six minutes and 40.8 seconds past 12 p.m. local time of Saudi Arabia and Egypt (summer time).
On these two days, the sun can be watched by all inhabitants of Africa, Europe, East Asia up to the Philippines and the northwest part of Australia.
Those who see the sun at the above-mentioned moment will be facing the Qibla, God willing. A streetlight, for instance, can be observed at this very moment to locate the direction of Qibla. Thus, each Muslim can be assured of his direction and stick to it the whole year round.
The ninth method is the prayer map drawn by the Islamic Center in the United States of America. It locates the Qibla direction by angles worldwide.
It is to be mentioned that the Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar has formed a committee to give a final fatwa (religious opinion) on the correctness of these nine methods that locate the Qibla direction.
By Hossam Abdel-Qader
Courtesy: OnIslam.net

Friday, October 25, 2013


Habits are more coercive than laws. This is because our habits compel us from within ourselves to act in a certain way. Take the phenomenon of excessive irresponsible behavior at holiday times. A person might feel compelled to act in a certain way fearing the disapproval of others or in order to preserve his or her image. Beyond that, the person’s mindset might be conditioned into thinking that splurging money in a rash way will bring about a spirit of happiness and joy. 

Habits sometimes feel as if they are the very limbs of our bodies. They can neither be ignored nor departed from. 

 Descartes compared habits to physical phenomenon, like the way that when a shirt, a bed sheet, or piece of paper is folded, the point of the fold leaves a lasting impression. 

 Our conscious habits can be more closely compared with a clock. It is constructed by people to tell the time. Thereafter, people refer to it whenever the feel a need to and start relying upon it for everything. Habits are the same. They start as something we consciously and deliberately construct, then they start to reconstruct us. 

 Habits start off simply, but then they become deeply entrenched until they become part of our very makeup. Smoking or drug use starts off as something apparently harmless to the user, but this is deceptive. Soon, the habit has control of the addict’s life. Morphine is sometimes used as a pain killer, but if it is used repeatedly, the user becomes incapable of living without it, even after the pain has gone away. When the time for the regular dosage comes, the person suffers physical and psychological symptoms. 

 There is an old saying that goes: Pull the weeds from your garden as soon as they appear, or your whole garden will be ruined. A person might resort to theft out of dire need, but then the person becomes a compulsive thief, even if they become well-off and have no reason to steal. Stealing starts providing a sense of fulfillment, like the satisfaction a hunter feels when he aims and shoots a bird from the sky, though his refrigerator might be full of meat. 

 If you surrender to your habits, they become your master and they will lead you places you do not want to be. 

 Habits are a “second nature”, as Aristotle describes them. Habits are also a firmly rooted in a person’s nature. This is why it is often said that: “It’s easier to move a mountain than to change a habit.” This is not true, of course. It is possible to change one’s habits, but it is extremely difficult. It requires a lot of effort and determination, and the person who makes the attempt needs to be able to fight off feelings of despair.

   Bad habits cause a lot of pain and prevent a lot of good. People lose their reputations in society when they engage in demeaning and socially unacceptable habits. Those who repeatedly indulge in sinful habits might be seen by others to be hypocrites, though in truth they might be sincere religious people who are beset with weakness. 

 Persistent habits should not be confused with things people do on a sudden whim, though what might begin as a spontaneous act can certainly develop into a bad habit.

 Our bad habits take form us far more than what they give. That is, if they actually give us anything at all. 

 As for good habits… 
 A person comes to realize that human perfection lies in a sense of love for others, integrity, mercy, forgiveness, justice, and objectivity. Then, the actualization of these noble traits becomes a major part of that person’s life, and he or she begins to engaged in self-critique and puts these traits into practice. Intimately, practicing these noble qualities become a habit that is hard to break, even in the face of hardship and sacrifice. 

 Those who have become used to doing what is right find it difficult to do wrong. It is just like when people grow accustomed to speaking properly. It becomes difficult for them to use bad grammar.

 Friendship is a habit. Cultivate friendships with people who are simple-hearted, those who are weak, those who may not have prestige, so that you feel affinity for them. Look towards those who are less well-off and expel pride form your heart. You will love the people and they will love you. 

 At the same time, make it a habit to disdain the company of the ostentatious and haughty. Allah says: 

“And do not drive away those who call upon their Lord in the morning and the evening, desiring only His favor; neither are you answerable for any reckoning of theirs, nor are they answerable for any reckoning of yours, that you should drive them away and thus be of the unjust.” [Sūrah al-An`ām: 52] 

 He also says: “And keep yourself patient [by being] with those who call upon their Lord in the morning and the evening, seeking His countenance. And let not your eyes pass beyond them, desiring adornments of the worldly life, and do not obey those whose hearts We have made heedless of Our remembrance and who follow their desires and whose affairs are ever [in] neglect.” [Sūrah al-Kahf: 28] 

 Make the power of habit work for you. Do not let your habits be your master.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Health & Free Time - Mufti Menk


Islam is a religion concerned with justice and respect and as such, it takes rights and responsibilities very seriously.  Islam states that it is the responsibility of each individual to treat all of creation with respect, honour, and dignity.  Respect begins with loving and obeying the commandments of God and from this respect flow all the manners and high standards of morality that are inherent in Islam.  God expects us, adult believers, to treat children with respect and to nurture, love  and educate them.  When rights and responsibilities are taken seriously, it enables one to love and respect God.
“And whosoever obeys God and His Messenger, fears God, and keeps his duty (to Him), such are the successful ones.” (Quran 24:52)
Small children need  food, drink, sleep and they  also need  love and compassion.  Taking care of their physical needs and disregarding their emotional and spiritual needs is inappropriate .
After the birth of a child, mothers are advised to breastfeed.  Breast milk was designed by God to specifically fit the needs of each individual child.  Modern science has proven  the remarkable qualities of breast milk.  Breast milk has disease-fighting cells called antibodies that help protect infants from germs, illness, and even ‘Sudden Infant Death Syndrome’.
Colostrum, the thick yellow fore-milk made during pregnancy and just after birth, will give babies the best start at life.  Milk changes over time to meet the baby’s needs.  By the third to fifth day after the birth breast milk has just the right amount of fat, sugar, water, and protein that is needed for a baby's growth.
“The mothers shall give suck to their children for two whole years, (that is) for those (parents) who desire to complete the term of suckling” (Quran 2:233)
However,  God does not put the believers into any situation they cannot handle, therefore if breastfeeding is not possible there are alternatives such as using a wet nurse and more commonly feeding the infant baby formula designed specifically for an infants needs. 
God does not want to place you in difficulty, but He wants to purify you, and to complete His Favour to you that you may be thankful.  (Quran 5:6)
As soon as they are old, enough to understand children should be taught to love God.  This is usually easy because children as naturally disposed to know and love God.  It is straightforward for them to understand that God is the Creator. It is the parents or caregivers  responsibility to teach children that God is One, that there is none worthy of worship but He.
And (remember) when Luqmaan said to his son when he was advising him: “O my son!  Join not in worship others with God.  Verily, joining others in worship with God is a great wrong indeed. (Quran 31:13)
Parents, guardians, and caregivers are responsible for teaching their children the duties of Islam.  Children must be taught the correct way of worshipping God  and the best way to do this is by example.  From the moment that they can interact with their surroundings children are learning.  Even when a very small child hears the call to prayer,  he or she will know that it is time for all worldly endeavours to stop while believers focus their attention on God.  Children learn this by observing the behaviour of those around them.
From the traditions of Prophet Muhammad, may God praise him, we learn that it is obligatory upon us to teach our children to pray when they are seven years old and to admonish them for not praying when they reach the age of ten.  The reality is that children who live in a household where prayer and correct worship are visible,  are eager to pray and often a very young age can be seen bowing and prostrating at their parents side.
At seven years old children  must be taught how to pray correctly. By the age of ten children should be admonished for not praying. Whatever discipline is used it should be such that the child understands that praying is important.  Beating a child is never an option.
Children should be taught and made to observe those around then performing  all the other obligations that come with being a believer in the Oneness of God.  Children should be able to see those around them fasting, and performing other acts of worship such as  reading Quran. They should also observe their caregivers displaying good manners and morals.  The companions of Prophet Muhammad have narrated that  children were taught the basics of Islam from a young age.
We used to observe this fast after that, and we used to make our children fast and make them toys of wool; if one of them cried for food we would give him that toy until it was time to break the fast.
I was taken for Hajj with the Messenger of God, may God praise him, when I was seven years old.
Islam is a holistic religion; therefore, physical needs pertaining to this world must not be neglected. Children have the right to live safely and securely, and have all their physical needs taken care of.  Noted Islamic scholar Imam an Nawawi said,  “The father  should bring his children up with good manners in all things, eating, drinking, dressing, sleeping, going out of the house, entering the house, riding in vehicles, etc.  He should instil in them the attributes of a good person, such as love of (personal) sacrifice, putting others first, helping others, nobility and generosity.  He should keep them away from evil characteristics such as cowardice, stinginess, lack of nobility, lack of ambition, etc.  Children must also be protected from physical harm and anything that is likely to lead them towards sinning.
Islam gives children many rights and is concerned with their spiritual, physical, and emotional well being. 

Monday, October 14, 2013


The Prophet (SAW) said: The best invocation is that of the Day of Arafat, and the best that anyone can say is what I and the Prophets before me have said:

Du'a on the day of 'Arafat

Laa 'ilaha 'illallahu wahdahu la sharika lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu wa Huwa 'ala kulli shay'in Qadir.

None has the right to be worshipped but Allah alone, Who has no partner. His is the dominion and His is the praise, and He is Able to do all things.
Tirmidhi 3/184


Don't Reject Righteous Proposals by Mufti Menk

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Greek engineer designs special SIM card for Muslims

A Greek engineer has invented a unique telephone SIM card designed especially to meet the needs of Muslim consumers. 

Yannis Hatzopulos, an engineer from Greece, has designed a unique telephone SIM card for Muslims.

The SIM card includes applications such as a compass used to point to the direction of Mecca, a list of prayer times, a call to prayer and an Islamic calendar to name a few. The SIM card can be used on both smart phones and normal mobile devices.

The features included in the SIM applications toolkit can be activated and deactivated on demand. Despite similar SIM cards being invented before, the fact that this one can work on normal phones as well as smart phones is set to make it a big competitor in the African and Asian markets.

Hatzopulos’ SIM card will be exhibited in the AfricaCOM fair in Cape Town, South Africa, on 12-14 November 2013. Bluefish technologies will be promoting the SIM card in the Asian markets. 

The SIM card includes applications such as a compass used to point to the direction of Mecca, a list of prayer times, a call to prayer and an Islamic calendar to name a few. The SIM card can be used on both smart phones and normal mobile devices.
The features included in the SIM applications toolkit can be activated and deactivated on demand. Despite similar SIM cards being invented before, the fact that this one can work on normal phones as well as smart phones is set to make it a big competitor in the African and Asian markets.
Hatzopulos’ SIM card will be exhibited in the AfricaCOM fair in Cape Town, South Africa, on 12-14 November 2013. Bluefish technologies will be promoting the SIM card in the Asian markets. The SIM card includes applications such as a compass used to point to the direction of Mecca, a list of prayer times, a call to prayer and an Islamic calendar to name a few. The SIM card can be used on both smart phones and normal mobile devices.The features included in the SIM applications toolkit can be activated and deactivated on demand. Despite similar SIM cards being invented before, the fact that this one can work on normal phones as well as smart phones is set to make it a big competitor in the African and Asian markets.Hatzopulos’ SIM card will be exhibited in the AfricaCOM fair in Cape Town, South Africa, on 12-14 November 2013. Bluefish technologies will be promoting the SIM card in the Asian markets.